Need advice on kitchen renovation
Ready for s4?
Is this Majestic enough?
Can’t believe google maps actually changed the name
what's a dream you've let go of?
Married or long-term relationship couples: How do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Women who are genuinely happy in their day to day life, what do you do for a living?
What’s your “serial killer trait” that (hypothetically) would make everyone say, “We should’ve known”?
Alternative to RVA Moms FB group?
Young Willem Dafoe could get it
How hard is the application? Can I trust a host with 0 reviews?
What was your power bill cost these last two months?
What would you do if you were Mexican and your boyfriend called Mexico a “shithole” he’d never visit?
RVA Salary Transparency Thread for 2024
Anyone else thinking about buying a gun?
Anyone else hearing thunder outside?
What’s a movie scene where an actor looked so gorgeous that it’s stuck in your brain forever?
What one, tiny, stupid thing are you doing to fight fascism today?
Best BBQ jackfruit or vegan BBQ?
Women with PCOS, what is the one habit you have been able to follow to manage your PCOS?
I don’t give a fuck about how much porn you watch or don’t.
Why are there no current political hits?
VCU Health suspends gender-affirming care for those 18 and younger
And it's already starting