Personal OER differences
Judged by badges and tabs
Isn’t it great having neighbors?
USA 🇺🇸 got 0 UFC Champion, is it the end of America era ?
Commanders of Reddit, why do you hate the fleece jacket so much?
World Rank 1 Cleric to Demigod 10hr 0 Deaths ~75Kills 500K Pulverizing Prayer Kit
Dear Soldiers: What is the most inconvenient part of being a soldier?
Do I need to buy a lottery ticket?
Fighter Arena Builds
Everyone complaining about barb conveniently hides this fact
Fleece jackets
Investors have been rushing headlong into the U.S. stock market. Past 3 months spent $140 billion on the 10 largest stock ETFs. Are investors too bullish?
You have absolute power to make ONE change to the game (add/remove/edit) what is it?
State of Solos(Barbs)
Tanglethread Trousers acquired
I completely forget these even existed
Which room do you open in crypts then immediately close because you hate the room?
🚨 Last Beer before the eternal sleep 🚨
I absolutely hate these "Boss" levels. You hear "boss" and assume good loot. No, its always subpar bricks and gold. Worst part is they are capped. These levels are redundant IMHO
This lady showing off her super long hair!
Please brag about something you achieved this year.
What’s the most you ever got from 1 run?
Welcome, new players.
Arena mints?
You can still die at spawn starting at full hp - Iron Mace please fix!