What about this game frustrates you the most? Be honest. Let it out.
Clobb, Clobber, Clobbxecutioner!!
If Ultron doesn’t get this skin at some point during or after release, we riot.
Thor mains. I want the thunder god as my secondary. (My main is storm) any tips, advice on how to play him?
Anyone got link to the new discord?
This is my friend's profile. He went from Bronze 3 to Grandmaster 3 in just 8.4 hours of gameplay only on Thor
World record for quickest loss?
What ranks would you consider the “rough patch”?
Found one for you thick leg/thighs lovers. (347365)
My secondary is my new main at this point :/
Y'all think Hell and Heaven will ever go to war?
Those little bit of shields go a long way.
If they set that Android free? It’ll be the end of ALL OF USSSSSS!!
Oh god.
What were your opinions on Cell max?
who is your least favorite team avatar member and why?
It was on this day,the enemy team learned to fear magneto
Odin's Archive is the worst Domination map in the game
Update on the situation guys
This seems relatively high. This you? If so, why?
This fight was a movie
Pick 3 Outfits to be added to the Game OR 1 Character to be added with a fresh moveset.
Pomni beating up Hitler. Artist:ToTopØllo