Show me your bag!
Pumping noises in the background of all my videos!
My mom has been refusing to take me to the doctor
Am I truly making enough milk?
What specialty have you gone into as a Medical Assistant?
How much do you put in bottles?
Current Wages
Stinging pins in my breasts like pins and needles when I’m not breastfeeding
AITH for being cheap with my kids clothes?
What’s weighing on your mind right now that you just need to get off your chest?
What ridiculous thing has your nparent done lately that we can laugh at?
List your top 3 baby names
Fellow RMAs: Do you ever feel disrespected by the providers you assist?
What are your middle of the night snacks?
Baby won’t nurse after tongue and lip tie release
How many pumps do you ladies own?
Is it possible to EP and actually leave the house for more than an hour?
Sandwiching breast
Always so negative and entitled
My mom called me and cried because she won’t be in the delivery room.
Keeping an Unused Breast Pump in Storage: Should I Charge It Occasionally or Let It Be?
Podiatry or neurology MAs:
Why are my momcozy s12 trash??
Did you scream?
Toxic work environment? Or am I being a baby?