So good...
Why infernape?
Does control receive enough love?
30+ Downshifts I Would Love to See from Innistrad Remastered
Just finished the season 2...
Tier list based on how survivors clean themselves
I think ankh hates me
First high score run!
Are Zuberas good in any way in this meta?
gift ideas (food)
Favourite off-meta deck that is still competitive?
What are your thoughts on making a play to stop someone from winning that (potentially) takes you out of the game?
I've finally decided to get into Pauper - Time to pick a deck!
What is this?
Dragon Shields suck lately
ISO tnt list
I'm confused, are people actually saying expensive cards should be immune or at least more protected from bans?
Are there some decks which benefit strongly from the bans?
Those of you making under 60k- are you okay?
The Search for the best Selesnya Pile
[DSK] Emerge from the Cocoon
Took a crack at choosing fighters for a hypothetically Magic fighting game, with the theming of planeswalkers and color combinations. What do you think?