What is your opinion of Van Hagar?
I train 2 hours of tapping a day. That is good? Or is it too little to play Van Halen?
Opinions on Van Halen 3? I think Eddie didn't use all his creativity
I was thinking about getting a Telecaster to make a replica of Mike Bloomfield's. Has anyone tried it and it worked? And do you think it would be difficult to make the second cut?
What unknown Ed guitars are kept with Wolfgang? Do you have photos?
What's your opinion about Slash's words that Ed was a great Blues guitarist?
Qual a diferença entre os jogos Metro originais e os Redux?
Does anyone happen to have a high resolution image of the full "Axis Bold as Love" cover art?
Tele neck on a Strat, yay or nay?
Isso é golpe ou realmente existe?
Golpistas sendo mal educados do nada
qual nome disso na sua cidade?
What artist did the cover for Cry Of Love? PART 2
"Enviem uma foto aleatória da galeria de vocês."
What happened here? haha
What strat did Jimi use at Maui in 1970?
Alugar meu canal no YouTube, golpe?
Olha esses anúncios no YouTube, que parada estranha...
Does anyone have this version of Axis Bold As Love?
Did Jimi discover progressive rock by accident?
Estão tentando redefinir minha senha
Golpe no badoo
Possível golpe OLX?