What phrase is said or worded incorrectly that really grinds your gears?
What are some of your favorite BS tall tales from guys you’d work with?
Seen in the wild at Ruby Tuesdays
Thing that make you say huh
What age are you redditors? How long have you been using Reddit?
Lots of brain fog for about 2-3 years now.
What do you think happens when we die? Believe in an afterlife?
Heat Trace Power Junction Box
What is a quote that permentally changed your outlook on life?
Time for a new leather pouch. Recommendations?
What is the toughest thing physically that you've ever done?
What makes a Man a MAN?
Why does my arm get hot and get red spots randomly?
Received as change last year
What bucket list items have you already completed?
Gift for new journeyman?
What's the silliest song you guys have written?
Favorite words that aren’t considered ‘real’?
What kind of hobbies do you have?
Security footage of Tesla Cybertruck Exploding in front of Trump Towers (1/1/2025)
Took my microwave out of this shelf and found this
What’s One Area of Your Life You Simplified That Actually Freed Up Mental Space?
Jimmy Carter just passed away, how will he be remembered?