Beware - this man ran me off the road then drew his gun at me
I used AI to create a composite image of all the users on this subreddit blended into one person.
Where's this from?
Looking for the perfect name for this lovable pup! Any suggestions?
Considering deleting all social media at the end of university - good or bad idea?
Do people really expect parents to watch their kids every second?
What is your favourite High School memory?
Am I racist?
Does the recent devastation of homes in CA give the American people even an inkling of what it feels like to live in Gaza?
What’s a completely useless skill you’re oddly proud of?
WIBTA for telling a kid with no friends that my kid doesn’t want to hang out?
New puppy name
help! will upvote top favorites!
Why does everyone feel so tired all the time?
Substantial weight review purpose