You can fix them
My Dad is Dracula (and a Banned Book)
Hey, maybe trans men can be gay?
Want more cartoons rule
Another unrealistic body standard pushed upon women
With the recent news that ‘Harry Potter and the Cursed Child’ is getting a new version, I just want to remind everyone how your ticket money is going to be spent
I'm a non-passing trans man who works retail, and I'm so sick of how old men speak to me
Dude having a complete meltdown because of one guy with a sign
skill with single piece of cloth
Tick rule. Reinforcement of rule 2 with further evidence to own GROSSLY MISLED believers in that which does not exist.
I'm a youngshit, AMA.
Quite the difficult question
POV: You've been stealth for years. Noone knows your AGAB. But then, one day, someone frames you for a crime you didn't do.
Eat shit, yogurt guy. ILY Cap Hill
Lagoons of water found in Sahara Desert after 50 years of being dry
Russell Brand is apparently baptizing people now
Was this transphobic? I didn't mean to hurt her
Dinosaurland (dinosaur park in Mallorca Spain) showing AI dinosaurs
Please don't
*You make a vaguely controversial post and happen to be transgender*
I don't get it
Asswipes that park like this
Deer gnawing on human bones