Career change advice
Modifications after buying
TS ruined it for me
I did it!!
How can a man test his own physical attractiveness ?
Need reassurance that I’m not crazy for taking care of my child
One night stands; how do you do it?
Anyone else barely move in line
Sorry for the rant
David Lucas dumb as fuck?
What are the signs that you're ugly?
Full timers who do daily 3 am routes, what time are you in bed by?
surge pay for a reserved offer??!
What is an unspoken rule amongst men?
dads from divorced households
Turning 40. Have no idea what to do
Anybody start their RT Program in their 30s and was living alone?
Scheduled time change after accepting block
Like big tips
What's the best comeback for "you look tired"?
NICU question
3.5 from hell
Time with my Sons
Spanking… and why it’s not needed