LPT Request: How do I sleep faster after fixing my sleep schedule
Who is your favorite sahaba?
What do you do for Eid?
Keep trying
Should I Learn Quranic Arabic or Formal Arabic first?
Just a peak won't hurt...
Does NoFap increase your testosterone
Whats your favourite parts of the Quran t read?
Shonen Recommendation Please?
Keep it up everyone!
NoFap DAY 15 (If I can, so can you)
Whats the reason you started NoFap
I used to find Bleach boring but I read the Manga and I changed my mind
If Bad Jinns are doing BAD waswasa Why don't we pray for good jinns to do GOOD waswasa?
Why does my acne go away when I have a long streak
Did you know jews believe muslims will go to heaven?
I really need help
2 hours clean 😅
Why will good Jews go to hell if they believe La ilaha illallah
Why did Muhammad(saw) say that his he felt his aorta being cut
I can't answer these questions, can you help
Islam is the last opposition to this delusion
Why are there no Background characters in Bleach?
Why is Bleach Lonelier Than Real Life?