Can i sell my music as a musicpack that can be used for videogames/movies that is already on spotify?(and everywhere else)
Just released my new horror game CONTORTED on Steam. Hope you enjoy!
Released my first horror game on steam called CONTORTED... Hope you enjoy!
What to do about an unmarketable game?
Getting no wishlists, tell me what I could improve
Which part of game developement challenges you the most?
I enjoy when games have good variety of environments so i try to do the same
Traversing the skull labyrith in CONTORTED
They hate when you take a picture of them
I enjoy hellish/gothic environments in horror games
Textures change randomly everytime i open level?
How is unity going to recognize installs on virtual machines?
Hello horror fans, i spent a lot of effort making this game. Here the demo and a trailer for my game CONTORTED
Looking for experiences with photogrammetry/3D scanning for games
Anybody else have trouble with the game?
animals as leaders - gordian naught (cover)
My favourite thump part in a Animals as leaders song
made a remix/cover of my fav ost im my own master now, hope u like it!
The water monster from Amnesia Tdd is the scariest in the franchise in opinion
Unprocessed THUMP solo
Hope you like this cover i made of BIG BLUE! FALCON PUNCH
anyone figured out the password to _supersecret.rar?