Seriously, what is the deal with Peterson?
Hi. 24 F with Congenital anosmia (or as far as I can remember).
Ghost messages on SLS?
Husband having performance issues during group session.
Twitter Files reveal Trump ban came after Michelle Obama, others pressured the company
How to talk to a retirement age parent deeply in debt
Does GrubHub give different menus for iphone vs android?
The Philadelphia Museum of Art is a Racket
what the hell are these purple pins
Philly art museum union workers organize one-day strike
Exclusive: An informer told the FBI what documents Trump was hiding, and where
What do conservatives mean when they say "liberals want to destroy America"?
Nearly every House Republican voted against the Right to Contraception Act. What do you make of this? Is banning contraception next on the Republican Party's agenda?
Rusty screw holes: Tap or Solvent?
Canada to ban all handguns.
Why do conservatives favor letting people build untraceable ghost guns?
Should I name and shame?
A company I interviewed with sent a follow up email to my work email
A company I interviewed with sent a follow up email to my WORK email? Name and shame?
Data on Ghost Guns?
Unregistered firearms are not the problem.
Russia shifting focus to victory by early May in eastern Ukraine, US officials say | CNN Politics
Overhead Tricep Extension Alternatives?
Anyone know of a way to donate spare guns or ammo to Ukraine?
Cyber Security people, is the website legit or a scam?