What’s one thing you never had growing up that all other kids did?
What is your favorite endearing trait, quirk or memory about your therapist?
People who feel like they need to trash your (completely harmless) hobbies.
Life is slipping away from me
Breakfast at Perkins
People who don't understand peak hours at restaurants, fast food drive through and coffee shops
If you got over your transference, how?!
What are your best “I support mental health until it’s inconvenient for me” stories?
Crying in session?
What keeps you feeling young, even when you're old?
How long do you stay with one therapist?
Have any of you guys gone to a high school reunion? Does your class even do reunions?
yall think there'll ever be a gay united states president?
Are you asking your wife to be your valentine?
Anyone else feel immature compared to friends who are moms?
What caused your biggest depression in your life?
Ouch, My Back
Wanting WFH workers to go into the office because you have to is self-centered and cruel
DAE feel jealous of their therapists
People that bring kids to opera/classical concerts and when I confronted them, they said I was discriminating
Most people don't need therapy. They just need a good support system.
Can I ask my therapist for a hug?
Anger towards “inner child”, struggling to write a letter to her
People who bash and make fun of childless people
Do therapists in the same clinic talk to each other about their clients... name and all?