Positive NIPT for trisomy 18
Career associates and people who never earned credentials, how did you decide it was time to stop taking exams?
Looking for a barometer on what’s normal. Tw: discussion of abuse and traumatic c-section experience
How bad are occasional spikes?
Any one harvesting colostrum?
Blood sugar testing for GD vs non-GD babies
Daily Chat Post- 23rd May 2021
Help! PTSD from GD last time...and here we go again.
Welcome to Gestational Diabetes: Anyone else feel like this?
Dreaming of post delivery foods
What happens if I’m starving in the middle of the night?
When BGL are elevated...
Just over it...
Baby measures small - so worried!
OB leaving me in the dark
Newborn Karyotype?
Metformin Questions
Pre-meal insulin tips?
Sugars all over the place
Bedtime snack
What do you do if you miss a meal?
Numbers dropping at 35 weeks
Switching meters...any best practices?
Cheesy breadsticks, no spike