2 year old adult female accepting a kitten?
Still craving the narc sexually
Do others know my hair is not washed?
I feel ugly
I’m 6’5”, and I constantly hear that height is supposed to be an advantage. Yet, I still get rejected a lot. Be honest with me, What am I missing?
How do i talk to my husband about his lack of sex drive?
Remind me I wasn’t discard because he somehow changed overnight and wants someone better
Is anyone else obsessed with minimalistic skincare routines?
is it okay to feed a cat dry food forever?
Tell me I'm not worthless
Bf won’t let me go to gym/ beauty procedures
What non-perfume products are you in love with for their fragrance?
Ladies, would you date a man that is unemployed but in college?
Did you get sick once you blocked/cut off narc?
Is fighting for your relationship to an alcoholic worth it?
What’s a dish you cook to impress someone, but is secretly easy to make?
Any advice for a super cheese lover?
How to heal lips after 2 decades of peeling and picking
Did your nex ever
MIL told my husband to divorce me after my miscarriage
Found some posts about me on here made by my husband.
is there anything your narc didn’t tear down?
Weirdest break up ever?
Can a 5'6 man be attractive to a woman?
Was your nex also very dominant in bed?