40’ Stationary LED Mast
Art car/art bike/wearable LED creation artists: how do you make your LED strips as robust as possible?
Do you have any Burning Man wallpapers you currently use?
Two questions for wirelessly controlling leds with FastLED
NYT Saturday 12/28/2024 Discussion
Animated cube made of 4 16x16 WS2812b panels
Long drive
Anyone have experience of starting a foundation / not for profit 501C for their burning man camp?
I wonder why Lutron does not make a Caseta smart outlet?
Statement of Intent window postponed
Finding a camp as a newbie
Any regionals happening on NYE?
Thanksgiving Release: ObjectFLED v1.0.2 - Improved LED Overclocking
How to use FastLED library without Platform.io on ATTiny85
Interest In DMA-Driven LED Display Driver For Teensy 4.x?
I2C Routing Advice
Why the Org is right and you all are dumbasses. /s
Burning Man Gigapan in 3D
run fire on on my custom 7 segments matrix display
Trying to remember the name of this camp
Remote switch on 20m cable a good idea?
How does your camp handle strike?
wanting to do a group theme camp for 2026
Shade cloth size for PlayaLabs shade structure
Camp generator rental costs?