Is doing a masters even worth it?
What's the best advice you can give to someone who's working on being alone?
Car tyre defflating for no reason?
SPI or I2C
RP2040 goes directly to "USB device not recognized"
/r/MechanicalKeyboards Ask ANY Keyboard question, get an answer (June 15, 2024)
JLCPCB / KiCad keyboard DRC
Anime indexer question - parsing JP name instead of EN
Issues installing on LXC on proxmox
Allowing access to Tun seems to disconnect me from the internet - tailscale installation
Layering issue
Print layering issue
Would my bench pass in comp? (poss butt lift? I'm hyper conscious of it because of a past red). Any other advice on form noticed is greatly welcomed
Issue finding config.php
Caddy Cloudflare SSL issues
Cloudflare + Caddy SSL issue
A newbie here, please help
Failure after initial layer
Failed print after initial layer
To try and be the best
Deadlift just doesn't look right
SSH issue
Printer "clicking" extruder at random intervals
SSH connection issue