Two shots one pull, 9g/cup
DF54 grinder not good enough for Flair 58 +?
DF54 - weird nose when going at/below 18 level, what is wrong? [DF54]
[DF54 grinder] need help saw 2 holes during cleaning?
Can’t get past “who are you?” Screen, just doesn’t let me continue?
Coffee grinds in espresso cup [Sage/Breville Barista Express]
Plunger’s hook: plastic cover broke
DF 54 grind size …
Question about Flair 58 heating element
No pressure on my flair 58+ v2
New Flair Kettle announced
Eureka Zero Brew
the screen time is getting to an extreme i don’t even know what to do anymore
Not enough space for cups in my espresso machine [Delonghi ECP35.31]
Flair 58+ Melted Part
Bought Flair 58 plus on sale. What else do I need?
My espresso extraction seems kind of foamy and I'm not sure why [Delonghi Dedica & KinGrinder K6]
Second shot higher flow? [Baratza encore esp and Sage bambino]
When should you adjust grind size versus shot time after achieving 1:2 ratio?
Quick tip
I pulled a shot of orange cheese coffee so you don’t have to
[Mazzer Philos] Damage on arrival
Why does nobody seem to mention these?
Need to change my grinder [200€]
Toolbox Espresso!