What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Five Alive (1979)
Para in need of advice
Can BCBA make six figures in Georgia with 2 years of experience?
Tell me your old vintage grandma names
The Consult is my New Favorite
More Unconventional Nicknames for Elizabeth?
What ingredients are not worth making yourself because they taste the exact same when store bought?
Moscow Metro
Best/Worst ALDI Brand Foods?
What Books did You Start or Finish Reading this Week?: January 20, 2025
If you could choose a podcaster to produce a series to solve an unsolved case, who would you choose to produce it and what case would you cover?
Why are PHX area shelters 90% Pit bulls?
Who has taken an IQ test as part of an autism diagnosis?
Long form, investigative podcasts?
Chili’s on Abercorn… always a wait and most of the restaurant empty.
The fuck why is he posted up like this in my yard
OG modern day stories that put villain in sympathetic light? The first one I ever knew was wicked the musical
Is lawyer needed
Wtf is going on here
Do ya’ll have any issues with your knees?
Newbeauty FGF
Walmart beauty box v2
What podcast do you absolutely despise?
Second FGF