Plush Mushroom but smaller?
I’m so happy with this comp entry 🥹
Post your avi’s!
It really sucks that they won’t let you get any of the tickets (read desc.)
Don’t forget, it was a reset, you have 9 days again. You don’t get notifications although so much rewards are here
Haven’t crocheted in a while
What is the full outfit to this skirt?
Did everyone forget this hat is also Winter Sonata lol
I wish this 4.0 perfume wasn’t giving fart fumes..
Ignoring the green theme, thoughts?
Do you prefer dress up or post comps??
Clap if y'all still hadn't got anything from this divaa
What is this quality??
Show off your perfume bag!
user titles
are the fashion views worth it?
What are y'all doing for this comp?
Need help for the Cuteness is the King competition!! 🥹
La différence entre depuis et après?
i already have the whole makeup set so why can't i get the features of the makeup seperately?
I'm going insane
I got the only thing that I wanted from this gacha within the first 30 pulls
I hate the men competitions
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