I feel like I don't love my puppy, and I'm absolutely lost.
3 months in with puppy and here’s my experience with puppy blues
It’s okay to have hard days with your pup.
what are some of your favorite “silly” tricks you’ve taught your dog?
How did you spoil your puppy today?
Dog bigger than expected
What did your puppy have a tantrum over today?
Any Midwestern emo songs about being a bad person
What’s your biggest challenge when training your pet?
I'm looking for songs about attraction/love that are a bit darker/twisted or about messed up people or even love/hate.
What was the most powerful Taylor song?
Songs with horns
5 month old puppy won't stop jumping on other people
Tell me about what your pup does well!
My puppy destroys stuff when I'm at home and is terrified to go outside
Songs from The Nowhere Inn trailer
Vista Aérea, um outro ponto de vista
Any gay that becomes a cop betrays the legacy of Stonewall. Ahead of pride month I think I speak for all other LGBTQ+ people here when I say ACAB!
Acho que sim, gostaria de esconder meu voto dos arrombados tipo o véio daquela loja lá que com certeza cobraria voto dos funcionários em troca de continuar no emprego.
Sobre as manifestações ocorridas a favor de Bolsonaro
Um mês após demissão, Ernesto Araújo diz que governo perdeu 'alma' e 'ideal'
What’s a quote that permanently changed the way you look at things?
Check out this EoE poster I made
Existe um motivo, senão a perversidade, para abrir um sorriso grande desses com um fundo assim?
What’s the greatest album you’ve ever listened to?