Can I make a cohesive army out of any of this?
How to beat DG on Scorched earth?
Is swarm bad for deathguard?
How to beat Deathwatch on Scorched Earth?
How do I kill the death guard
What are Deathwatch’s strengths and weaknesses?
What would your game plan be? DG vs Salamanders
Little bit of an odd question but can the armigier kit build one brigand and a warglaive
Lord of contagion?
Do these 4 for $125 seem like a good deal?
Typhus with 20 poxwalkers deployment
A guy at my locals gave away 2000 points worth of battle sisters for free I guess I'm a sisters of battle player now
Explosive Maladies confusion
Thinking about selling my entire army, need opinions
My next Wardog kitbash (Warboar)
Is this a legal Great Unclean One in my 1000pt Death Guard army?
Should I quit?
I can't find lord of contagion is he rere or somthing?
Wanting to ally in some War dogs, which ones should I build and how should I equip them?
WIP Wardog
PSA: Very active scammer 'DangerK99'
Any Tips to Improve?
From Sigmar but adapted it as one of my undead captain to lead zombified hords
My 6K DG Army