Don't be stupid like I was. Love you wife!!
Why do adoptive parents have biological kids after they adopt?
My girlfriend and I want to give the baby up for adoption
Calling all chronic illness warriors
My bpd mom made this her profile picture.
Pregnancy with no insurance
Why do people want to meet their birth parents?
Pregnancy without insurance
I found my birth mom after 19 years
I found an open condom wrapper in my wife’s and my vacation home. She swears she had nothing to do with it. I’m feeling uncertain in my marriage. How do I move forward?
My ex being my ex
"People w/BPD need support!" Yeah right 😤
Boyfriend (28M) wants me (22F) to give him oral even when I’m not comfortable with doing so.
AITA for not sleeping with my husband?
I need help confronting my husband.
Birth Mom
AIO for asking my husband about questionable places on his maps history?
Am I Overreacting for Leaving My Boyfriend Due to His Uncontrollable Rage and Drug Addiction?
I keep seeing people trying to put a positive spin on BPD. WTF??!!
She wasn't happy I was going to see a female friend
Ex threatened to kill herself
How many of you have BPD?
Mom that has never worked, yet always the victim, suddenly needs help financially.