my grandma on facebook, a compilation
who is this guy? Wrong Answers only
What does my art taste like?
What piercings would NOT suit my anatomy?
Losing Empathy
Who is this ? (Wrong answers only)
Im ⬆️🍃💨 AMA
Shameless scenes as emotions. What shameless scene best represents “anxiety”?
woahhh rule breaker>:D
Since y'all liked my last DM shit post imma leave this here lol
My bsf forced me to touch her
what do you su when someone asks “what happened to your arm/leg”
having a hypersexual bf as an asexual is going to make me crashout
guess how old I am based on my playlist?
What would your username be without these letters?
Do you find Trump hot?
Wyd if he slaps your mom and she likes it??
He slaps your mom, how are you going to fight back?
lil angel
How would y’all defend urself against mason.exe?
Say a random word
Freaky song names
Hi stonerssss, any funny movie that you recommend?