Some of Rogi's more cryptid-ish moments
Escape Proof Harness?
What do you call your fur baby?
5 month old hates walks
AIO to my husband (we’re both 45) being friends with a 31 year old woman that he works with who he also texts often (messages are between him and her)
I told my mother i can't wait for her death
Ethical dog breeding (Puppy mill worries)
Abuse or miscommunication?
Meet Duke! Born this morning 3-Feb-2024
Suggestions to treat constipation?
When is a good time to start buying coats and collars?
I’ve adopted an Iggy
Did you still adore your iggies after babies?
What do you love about your Italian Greyhound? Husband and I have been talking about getting one for about a year now.
Cast free!
Show me your favourite derby photo of your Iggy! 🔥
Feeling left out on Thanksgiving.
Week 3
It’s happening!! Iggy coming Jan 2025 :)))
Going out without clothes
Broken leg era
I got this thinking it was a cute winter fit, accidentally turned him into a sheep
First time in a sweater🥰 (only after I tired to bite at it, but I did get rewarded)
Shampoo recommendations?