Doctor Who 1x04 "73 Yards" Post-Episode Discussion Thread
Is Doctor Who Outdated?
We all love Batman, but what's your Favourite thing about him?
Should I read the books?
Your ideal love interest for each of the robins?
Which city is more scuffed, Ninjago City or Gotham City?
Comment as if you live in Gotham city.
Years ago I dreamt that Asriel would appear in a future chapter as flowey-faced serial killer in the Dark World. Here are some mock-ups I made.
The reason dess is gone...
"Eraserhead is my most spiritual film"
What are your headcanons?
Batman's New 'H2SH' Saga Kicks Off This March With Sneak Peeks at Issues #158 and #159
Dracula himself said no human can resist him but Batman is no ordinary human. This is literally one of the best Batman moments of all time.
This might be the most cursed ship...
Which version of the Riddler do you consider to be the best?
Batman's "I am not in danger, I am the danger" moment
If Batman had a villain based on a character from pinocchio (like he does with Alice in Wonderland), what would that person be like?
Drop your hardest Batman quote. Here's mine.
What is your favourite role to main and why?
I found this awesome Two-Face song on YouTube. It’s by ToiletJon
Which member of Batman's rouges gallery do you think get's done dirty in shows the most? I'll go first. stuff (Sideshow)
Joe Rogan Invites a Batman Villain to his Podcast; what Character will be the most Interesting?
What if David Lynch directed a Batman film?