I pooped myself on my run this morning
Gender-affirming hairstylists
If you’re looking for something to sled on, an ironing board is perfect!
Any snow out there yet???
Help me choose a dress!
I'm transforming my bad days into therapeutic entries on my journal
Vet Recommendations
New to WFH, advice for mental health before I start
How does your weenie tell you they need to go potty?
Someone who does mill work and trim
I got this nail care kit for Christmas, what do have of these do?
Indoor swimming places?
What was your worst experience on a long flight?
Am I overreacting about this pick up photo?
Dachshund group
Fallen Target Shopping List
Best pizza and best fried chicken sandwich?
Healthy or not? 😅
I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
When will it finally get cold?
Graduated my eating disorder program
Restaurants and stores that are open today megathread
Everyone! Raise up your hands! Maglab needs your energy!