Bangalore Book Club
Is this a red flag? 🚩
got these vinyls today, straight from Paris
All the meals i cooked this october (as of now)
Uploaded some pics of me holding hands of my best friend and now people assume we are lesbian
All the meals i cooked last in october.
Postcards from Jibhi, Himachal Pradesh
was trying to pull a old money fit in Pondicherry
Noods in soys & garlic sauce with salt pepper chicken sausages
how can i improve?
Whatsapp Community for Frequent Travellers
At the oldest perfume shop in Delhi & got some insane fragrances
Let's do a r/ambientmusic's top 100 favorite ambient albums: comment your favorite album to be included on the chart. The event will end in 10 days with the results published on another post.
men dinner
missing home a little extra today
Would you agree with this?
Postcard from Tirthan Valley featuring Himachali apple wine!
I created a website to remove medium paywall
What reddit has become lately
Postcards from Tirthan Valley
What are some core childhood memories you still remember?
not much ambient, but a really good album you should listen to
mudiji kahi toh peecha chhod do!!!