Looking for someone to foster me, 17(almost 18)f and my son 3(months)m
Slavic gf made an interesting comment about dating me (BM)
I honestly feel hopeless
Where did everyone meet their SOs?
Horrible terrible sulfur egg burps
I don’t think I’m over you
My (33whiteF) partner (36blackM) hates white people
Black women who married or had relationships with white men - did it work?
Biting tongue during sleep?
Help…I have a dilemma with a Sagittarius man
Black people who date white people, do yall…
How has life improved since leaving the narc?
Weird knee pain when fully bending knee
Think I hurt my knee by sitting on it too long?
Getting hit on by black women
My friends are racist now???
I was his pattern.
Blood writing on walls saying “help me”
You ever been fired for no good reason in a predominantly white workplace?
Why are Black People so good at dancing?
Where are the family-friendly restaurants I can go to for Cinco de Mayo
Any black people in here?
HSV is taken too lightly