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Video released of Andrew Tate abusing a woman. “If you didn’t misbehave, I wouldn’t have to hit you.” Article included: Women speak out.
Who to 6 Star Next? Alice or Apothecary
How do YOU decide what accessory to sell or to keep? And what game-stage are you?
Guy punches a disabled person outside a store after mocking the way they walk.
What game?
This should be interesting
Scyl - Am I doing this right?
Which railroad in the United States is the most steam friendly (in your opinion) and please explain.
Team recommendations for Amius
What actor/actress for you was forever the first character you saw them play, in every film you saw them in after that?
AITA for refusing to donate my kidney to my estranged father who abandoned me as a child?
I got agent 47
You can only choose three games. What do you choose?
What was the first major news story you remember as a kid?
Has Anyone Encountered a Middle-Aged Man in a Wheelchair Claiming to Be an Ex-Roulette Dealer? A Strange Vegas Experience
Can someone identify this?
What will you say?
Has Battleworld destroyed your desire to play MSF?
Please tell me happy stories?
Bring it
How useful is this?
What are some weird signs you’re manic
With 2 sockets this could be useable
ISIS terrorist describes what he did to Yazidi Christians