5 Blessed Daily Prayers to Stop Waiting for the Perfect Moment and Step Out in Faith Today
Ethereal Beauty ✨️ comment and vote for your favorite Michael pic (1983)
Verse of the Day
MJ is the only one that can make ducklips look hot af ✨️
🪩MJ TRIVIA🎙️ If you know the Jackson 5, then what's their first song? What year?
Misconceptions of MJ’s case
(Difficulty: Medium) 🎙️MJ Trivia ✨ What is the most iconic thing people notice him to be?
The Lady in My Life ranks 20th on Rolling Stone's "50 Terrible Songs on Great Albums"
🎙️MJ Trivia ✨ What was Michael's first album?✴️ (Next question will be in Medium difficulty)
Please keep my brother in your prayers
What's a Bible verse that completely changed the way you see life, and why?
Bible Verse For Today—Isaiah 40:31 🙏
Turn back to Him.
A painting I made called "Out Of The Deep"
How can I watch the documentary michael jackson the footage you were never meant to watch
Which one is better the 4k or the original
Debunking Terry George and Michael Jacobshagen
Debunking: Every and anything that has to do with Michael Jackson being known as a homosexual, child molester…
Linda Deutsch defending Michael
Wade Robson’s inconsistency
Another debunking from LN
I think guilters have a hate boner for Brett because he completely dismantles Wade's position
Listen carefully: When she was being interviewed, you can hear Jack Gordon say "They're documented" through Latoya's earpiece, then she repeats it. When being questioned further, she dismissed everything. She was being told what to say.
I saw this today and you need to see it with me