Kim Kardashian , Jeff Bezos and Lauren last night
Discussion Thread
Am I missing something???
What Eminem Song Is This?!?
Been getting into hip hop this year, thoughts on my rankings?
Truer words have never been spoken before
Her best hair color in my opinion
Do you guys agree with Kendricks halftime message?
What's a Green Day song that you love that everyone else seems to dislike?
"Guys... I think we might not be so back after all"
Do you guys ever put R&B in a hip hop playlist?
What’s your biggest Eminem hot take?
Drop an Eminem song in the comments (can be unreleased just don’t go too niche) and I’ll give it a rating from 1/10 depending on how much I like it.
guys it's happening
The new Democratic Party Chair says they will continue to take money from "good billionaires". Does anyone really expect the American public to trust the Democrats judgment here? Track record is...very bad.
Didn't people want old Em?
What Disney Channel Star has been arrested ?
Best album of 2010s?
Are Khloe and Lamar getting back together you think?
Some good YouTube reviewers?