Surprising cases of when a whimsical story turned into a cosmic horror story
Iowa Medicaid on the block this year
Moments that make you go: "oh you absolute piece of shit!!"
"The Hostile Takeover That Built PlayStation" - [The Golden Bolt]
'Ave Mujica: The Die is Cast' Episode 7 Discussion Megathread!
What are your 10/10 songs?
How Well Do YOU Relate To Mizuki? /gen
Times when you were utterly baffled by the direction a piece of media went? But in a good way!
Mutsumi/Mortis DID and how it affected me while watching
Favorite Dead Indie Projects?
It is National Bird Day. Talk about your favorite birds in media.
Forget the Game Awards, what are *your* personal games of the year?
20 years on, Snake Eater is still the perfect Metal Gear Solid game
Features in games that you can't believe aren't standard?
What moments in media do you think had inspired choices of music?
FBC: Firebreak - Announcement Trailer
Square Enix shutting down fan-run Yoko Taro database, Accord's Library
(Psychonauts 2 story spoilers) Okay Psychonauts 2 is great and I'm going to ramble about it because my friends are sick of hearing me talk about it
Like a Dragon: Yakuza - Official Trailer | Prime Video
The anti-piracy software is protecting a pirate-themed game, ironic isn't it?
Media that made you want to visit the location it's set in?
Best and most notable pieces of cut content and cut media overall
Trashy media that handles handles sensitive subjects with a surprising amount of care?
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater Hands-on and Impressions Thread