If it ain't broke, don't fix it
To convert people to Christianity
Hmmmmmmmmmm.... Ah, Sorry, forget it...
This whole sub right now
Is this real
It's happening! (no)
I cannot get into demons souls
World leaders as of January 2025
unit for velocity meme
This high enough level to beat the game?
Sob presidência do Brasil, Brics anuncia entrada de Cuba, Bolívia e mais seis países como parceiros
Tired of seeing all these rich people with their rich salaries, so here’s my normal salary as a normal person. 36F.
Nintendo is Fucking Stupid
I will buy the game for people in the comments if it comes out, AND I MEAN IT. I know this is a Silkpost guys, I just know it. They are just messing with us.
What’s a Boss That You Always Struggle Agains’t More Than You Feel Like You Should?
Fucking chocolate cake?
Does anyone else think that the pickaxe's description should include mining speed?
I'm new and I heard there's a new upcoming game called Silksong.
Azul e Gol selam fusão para criar gigante na aviação no país
Economia da China nunca ultrapassará a dos EUA, diz Biden em discurso de despedida
dammit... I really hate we cant just buy the jokers >:(
Dark Souls III Boss Ranking (Easiest - Hardest)
is Shanghai overpopulated ?