25 weeks pregnant at Disneyland
Water or Nah?
Our fur guardian, Kyiv, today. #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦
It must be humid today
Room temp for sleep/sleepwear
Eat, play, sleep : how does this work with a baby who sleeps at the breast?
Feeling like a failure
Hit my one year goal
3 days in and we still can’t agree on a name. Please name this kitten. Friendly and likes to yell.
AITA for keeping tampons/pads in a basket for my students?
PSA to mamas with super white babies
Most unfortunate first name/last name combinations you’ve encountered in real life
I hated Breastfeeding
What brand of newborn diaper did you choose for your baby?
Need feedback from strangers...
So Annoyed with GD Today
CAUGHT HIM! sleeeeepy blep
Smart boy thinks we’re gonna go for a walk when I wear “the outfit”
What do you own a ridiculous amount of?
Thank You Nintendo switch for bringing me and my child closer!
Did you guys sing songs about killing Barney in school, too? Is this phenomena passed down knowledge or spawns naturally in kids?
I didn’t drink water for over 12 hours for my shift as an ER nurse two days ago.
AITA: My boyfriend places sheets on all of the furniture when I'm on my period
Girlfriend ripping with the new Ashcatcher! Happy Holidaze
LPT: Don't go to college if you don't have a good plan of what you're going to do there. College isn't neccessarily the next step in life after high school, and you will waste time and money going there without a passion.