The top 10 worst performing champions in bot lane are all ADCs
NASA Simulation's Plunge Into a Black Hole
Fox allowed Kanye West to buy a Super Bowl at pointing to his Yeezy website where he’s selling swastika branded t-shirts
Support champions I like but rarely see played well
I have over a thousand hours in this game, and a Darius lane is still an automatic loss
Varus Midlane glacial augment rune?
Well, so far transition from adc to jungle finally starts to be going good
Similar champs to Vi
Not a single champion in the game can carry like this
Porque debería ver EVANGELION?
So many non-supports in Gold games
Movies to watch while stoned
La mejor película de la historia (para mí), que películas es la mejor para ustedes?
Looking for a good movie that features time travel in it
10 years of playing Jinx - here's the data.
No pudieron encontrar peor ejemplo
Me estoy por comprar esta, se la banca?
Supports who leaves lane at min 3 and never comes back... Reportable?
Worst movie you unironically love
I want to learn adc
What is good season 15 build
Does anyone here still unironically build shiv
is draven unfair to other ADCs?
What games do you think this can run