I did it.....
Still waiting..
I hate Zekvir
So recently... This is the highest tip I got this year and from the start of the expand, and thanks again to this generous random citizen, even myself wouldn't tip more than 5k. Whats the highest tip y'all got for crafting gear?
What’s the thing you do for no reason?
How keys feel this season..
how to get name out of BNM blacklist?
People leaving dungeons after not getting their loot.
Did my friend f**k up?
Anyway i can fix this? Or replace it with original parts? Its a mh650 headset and unfortunately when i search on the web its a common problem :(
Inevitable Death
New voidweaver priest animations!
Free at last!
People who give up on new hobbies because ''they were not good at it right away'' are NOT wrong.
How do you deal with mana on Primal Beast?
LAN1, LAN2 is working but LAN3 is not
why blizz why?
Am I fudged? Accidently send to wrong people..
If you could remove one thing from a spec/class to cause as much inconvenience what would you do?
Hi everone! Asking about shadowed belt clasp
Need help with love magnet achievement?
jobs in malaysia
Should dps help with afflicted?
I did it guys! Auchindoun Coaster advance/reverse is borderline undoable. Y'all really need to turn efficiently and time your surge like crazy. I also have a prob with tempest keep. If y'all end up with no energy before passing the last gold ring theres no way u can get gold time. So save sum vigor.