Who should I add or replace?
Dragon ball fans are ABSOLUTELY allergic to reading
What am I doing wrong?
Drop your current pvp team
Rat tips?
The next time they drop a pikkon unit, I hope he’s an LF tag switch unit with super gogeta.
Anyone here that's useable on a rotg team?
Naw, the fuck is this
I’m mad
Is anyone else a bit annoyed by this?
What category and units are my best option to run?
I know the trunks is good but are the other 2 gokus good?
why dose everyone think the wipe event is going to be the same one we had two rimes before theres probly a reason they are not saying anything about it
What’s a unit you just can’t beat no matter what? I’ll go first
Late night Raids
Best map
Who's the fraud now?
Legends gameplay in rank 70:
Help on what i should do next
Need some help making a team for gogeta
What did he do to deserve all of this 😭
How Many Stabs Does It Take? Poor kid...
If the part 3 ultra ends up being from buu saga, who would be more hype?
Should I trust or do purple with my friends?