How do people have such a high streak?
Need this win btw
been trying to find out what this is for 2 years
This has got to stop
They moved past chem trails. Now they are making chemCLOUDS. This cloud is full of DIHYDROGEN MONOXIDE
Day 2 of the raider event and I already got it. How far are y'all?
This smiling lady was gifted to me when I was 12 years old. We've been together for 18 years now and helped me get through some tough times. I can't get enough of her cutie smile
Jason kinda looks like Jason anyone else see the similarities?
What parts should I have on my rally car for cups?
so I have a problem
Vehicles reset at the end of season.
are pedal bugs getting worse recently
How is it possible to get the vehicles in the event grand reward?
TIL there is a program in Allendale correctional facility, North Carolina, where inmates care for and help socialize dogs and cats for a local shelter. The program is called meowmates/muttmates.
Hcr2 server down? Offline?
Tell me your favourite vehicle...
What Do You Guys Think About My Track?
Team transfer
What's you favorite HCR2 car? I'll start
What are y’all’s favorite vehicles? I’ll go first
Best coin grinding strategy (on adventure) for Rally Car with roughly middle upgraded stats and mid level to low level parts? (HCR2)
Struggling with adventure mode looking for advice
Is this player simply better or sus?
Why do Americans drive such huge cars?
Object traveling >600 mph buzzes KOCO 5 News camera