Large load will leave Edmonton on Saturday night and travel 3 nights to Strathcona County
Edmonton’s Telus World of Science closed for the forceable future after fire causes smoke damage
PSA: How to ensure your Arc card is not over-charging you
Why there is no app for the Arc Card? All other major Canadian cities that use this system has an app for their respective cards but not here for some reason, and the Arc website is just horrendous to get anything done.
Property Manager Issues
ETS rant/musings/concerns
New owners aim to maintain heritage of Army & Navy with new name, renovation plan
Banning X Links
Guys they made ARC card scanners on the LRT!
Edmonton area is experiencing an 'invasion' of rare owls, says expert
Downtown hills
The B in the bell tower fell off
Is transit security getting cut back?
Is it normal for drs to triple book appt times?
Interstellar 10th Anniversary Re-Release at Telus World of Science
Here are the current leasing plans for the former Army & Navy store on Whyte
Did anyone else spot Raven at the inauguration?
Fire at Macewan
Are the LRT stations patrolled in this weather?
PSA - ETS fare adjustments take effect February 1
Person on the train has a Handset plugged into their cellphone
Magpie, chickadee, and blue jay battle to be Edmonton's City Bird
Through the Flurries
Valley Line delays this morning
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