plane ride of doom and despair
I think I have enough drip to last me forever
I’m not tweaking right??
Why is there not a single fanart with all three?
I was once ganked by 4 silenthearts there
Who is your canonical (non-horny) favorite character in Deepwoken? Either it be writing-wise, Personality-wise, or Drip-Wise
Custom Flamecharm path! Did I cook?
Drip or Etrean Victory
Drip or Straight to the Fragments of Self?
Recruitment numbers from the discord have been looking low lately >w<
Drip or drown my IRL Slot
What oath should i get?
Drip or Lead
Who should i cosplay as outside of the game? I am out of ideas and want something non-basic
Comment Your Favorite Mantra
Drip or drown?
Is it fair to team on a voidwalker when you and your friend are on a pve build?
Tried to make mantras
plize srop use g leg kicker wepon...
Fixed a dumb, outdated meme I made a while back.
What was the purpose of adding level caps for almost everything?
why do people still gank freshies
So many people keep calling me "build carried" in chime so I want to see if thats true. Rate the build
Drip or drown 🪽