Please help me choose a wedding band
That 60 day free trial offer that popped up yesterday sure did vanish fast...
EPISODE 99- THE PUMP HOUSE (spoiler alert)
Need 2nd Key
Gf found the engagement ring a week before I was going to propose...
Forgot about this song 😢😢😢
Do you like the textures of my new work? What feelings does it cause in you?
Fellow white people, does this song make you mad too?
Food themed names for this sweet boy
Too minimal?
Which one is the best for cover photo on instagram?
Don't Get Physical
Is Mac miller the best white rapper
Which of your big 3 would you say you relate to the most?
Childhood sexual abuse and sexuality
Help me pick a color to paint my house
Whats are your favorite Spotify Mac lyrics?
Please / Don't / Why would you ( Big 3 series )
Second key fob
Which wedding band should I choose for my pear engagement ring?
Worth the wait!!
Wondering how mediums decipher a voice just being a thought in your head or knowing it’s actually a spirit trying to speak to you
How many of you take meds?
Is this to be expected or am I getting pushed around?
Saw someone in r/intj ask ChatGPT to roast their type