Leave for kid's sickness/Baja hijo enfermo
Leave for sick kid / Baja por emfermedad de hijo
Very small gap to fill, ideas?
Matching tattoo with ex wife, what would you add to make it different
Afraid of asking anything to anyone...
People with mental issue walking freely in Berlin
Best ice creams in Berlin?
Feeling like a monster to make time for yourself
Music culture in Madrid
Berlin-ing with a baby
2018 was an incredible year for music. what was your aoty?
Working in Madrid (or in general in Spain)
Help, my (m16) gf (17f) is pregnant and I don't know what to do
Working in Madrid
Working in Spain (Madrid)
What small things make Berliners happy?
Local celebrities in Berlin, who do you see around all the time in the city or in the party scene?
Abmeldung, how to?
Average and statisfactory salary in Madrid
Average r/Berlin Post
My last traditional is finally healed! Thoughts?
How much time should a parent be playing with the toddlers?
'The Blue Album' was released 30 years ago today
Got this traditional few hours ago in Madrid at Cobra Tattoo