Send me your playlist!
Need new music
You know those sublime moments when you're listening to one song and it transitions perfectly into the next? Yeah, I wanna know your favorite instances of that happening.
Anyone have a playlist they made that they want to share?
Over 48 hours of nothing but covers
Link your best classic rap playlist
Link your longest playlists!
Recommend me any album please. (Any year, any genre)
Recommend me any song, including foreign music, I listen to almost anything and my music taste is all over the place, I have over 1400 songs in my playlist and continue to add more
Suggest me some Reggae
Most powerful song you know
What are some of your favorite songs/playlists?
Any good playlists to listen to?
Gimme your playlists, I'm the playlist theif.
What do you have on repeat this month?
Scary/Creepy sounding songs of artists/bands
Morning jams to get your day started
I love discovering new music… so id like to know what songs didnt waste a second and resonate with you all. Any genre
Movies everyone has watched but you haven’t.
ocean vibes
What song is playing
Show me the playlists you're most proud of
Playlist suggestions?