Darkest Lost Media 3 is out on Nexpo’s Patreon!
I don't wanna leave. I don't wanna leave!
What’s a moment in history that feels like it has to be fake?
What was your worst Valentines experience?
AIO my partner of 3 years forgot Valentines Day and my birthday
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Why do you get up in the morning?
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What is something that nobody likes?
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Those who have taken Sertraline for a long period of time, what are some side effects you still have?
What convinces you God is not real or if he is, he doesn't care?
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New to painting and feeling discouraged. Do you like my art? My friends/family don't.
Please let me draw your favorite pokémon!
Which 3 are you picking?
Thank you to everyone who came to my island and watered my flowers yesterday! Thanks to you I now have 10 orange cosmos buds! :)
If your ex suddenly came back and wanted to talk, what's the first thing you'd say?
Northern Hemisphere!