Keep bulking a bit longer or cut? (84kg)
Is being 5’85 174cm considered being short?
Being insecure as a short women
Is it worth getting lean for an attractive face without a lot of muscle?
5,8 78kg. Want to drop 10kg for a more attractive face and physique but scared of looking small and frail.
Whats my bodyfat percentage gym says 27 percent
Can martial arts compensate for low height?
Be Fearless
Do you overcompensate?
5’5 workout and eat healthy
Tall Woman
Give it to me straight, how over is it? I’m 5’5 and currently 164lbs(down from 175lbs)
Guess my bf%
I'm 25M and my height is 174cm or 68.9 inches. Is that enough to be dating in a countries of eastern Europe?
Aww guys some hopecore
Do I bulk or maintain? 18 184cm 60 kg
the way my brother was 6’0 at the same age I am and I’m only 5’4 makes me soo upset
Video btw was not about this guy's height...or any height of that matter
200 year old wooden bridge in Russia
Porn addiction
Why I dont want to hit the gym or bulk up as a short guy
this broke my heart
5’6” and 5’8” are in different worlds
Where does 5’8 fall?
What did I do to deserve this?