I sprited Nifl and Muspell Robins to match their families!
Im here to deliver the latest info...stealthily, of course! According to my sources, Special Heroes bringing about sandstorms with their nimble moves will appear soon! I hope you're looking forward to meeting them! There's also a Log-In Bonus to celebrate. #FEHeroes
So why do people dislike this version of the game?
I sprited NY alts for all the fe7 lords. Happy (late) new year!
All NEW Refines for L!Micaiah, L!Fae, H!Xane, Sonia, Lex, Selena & Ronan!
ew Heroes & Attuned Brigid Official Salt Megathread
I drew Christmas Lumera, to join her kids! Merry Christmas!!
I drew an idea for Winter Micaiah!
GBA FE Shipping Poll
Yearning to Give Official Salt Megathread
I sprited a Loki & Hodr Christmas Duo, wielding a mistletoe spear!
Hear me out: Ivy & Camilla Harmonic for christmas!
I sprited Ninja Alcryst, to match his brother! Though I think he'd be a bit better at stealth...
FAQ - Technical Questions & Recommendations Thread
I sprited Halloween Nel & Rafal!
I turned Halloween Askr into a duo with Devil Embla!
Valentines Dorothea and Charlotte, inspired by the FB!
Help with stealth catching water pokemon? Remoraid is the bane of my existence
I sprited Dancer alts for Pandreo and Panette!
Ipad colors more saturated than laptop colors - how to fix?
This is the spice for easily soloing the Serperior raid
LF Shiny Applin FT Shiny Bagon in SV
How to convert genie from Therian to Incarnate in hub world?
That post-rival team salvage always hurts...