Why is everyone "okay" with the current COL? Why doesn't anyone here protest? (As of late)
What’s a low paying job that is respected among Australians?
Anon works overtime
I [25m] cannot for the life of me hold a job
Housing inefficiency
My “friend” made an absolute fool of himself and idk what to do now
Just passed $300k in super!
I (30F) reached $150k in super!
Considering moving to Australia
What do you wish you were told before you joined your profession?
Me 25F with my husband 30M: I wasted some broccoli
Can’t Find a Science job in Australia
Bands that were cancelled unfairly
Cavs fans are salty.
Struggling with carry drafting in 2k
When lifestealer is strongest?
Are Investment Properties really that stressful?
How financially viable is a career as a nutritionist or dietitian in Australia?
If boomers cared about this country they would "invest" in overseas real-estate instead of pushing home seekers out of the market
$98,937k raised for the young guy taken by shark
“Why does Hungrybox know about the windmill cancel? *How* does Hungrybox know about the windmill cancel?”
Are solar batteries worth it in SA? (Two storey house, 3-4 people out at work during the day)
The mall is packed today!
Alcohol and drug police check point