Golden Retriever livestreams his orange-picking job.
Core-memory formed
🔥The Gecko has many microscopic hairs on its feet that increase the "Van der Waals forces" (the distance-dependent attraction between atoms or molecules) between its feet and the surface. Their feet can adhere to any type of material with the exception of Teflon (PTFE).
This pulsating mass is the Queen Termite. Hidden deep in the colony chambers, she lays thousands of eggs per day and can live up to 30 years.
🔥This pulsating mass is the Queen Termite. Hidden deep in the colony chambers, she lays thousands of eggs per day and can live up to 30 years.
Hand-made Sugar Donuts
Close call with a Bull
The flex nib on this pen allows a thin curtain of ink to fall
This temple in India was carved into the stone (Kailasa Temple)
POV from below a breaking wave
🔥POV from below a breaking wave
Every one of my bathroom products is blue
Up-close of Squid chromatophores - complex multicellular organs that they use to change colour rapidly
Baby Seal rescue practicing swimming
🔥Cuttlefish mimics the surrounding foliage
View of Chongqing from across the Yangtze River
"Philosopher's Desk" has many hidden compartments
Behold the natural beauty of Switzerland
Century-old contraption used for the efficient transport of offspring.
Blursed X-ray Vision
The Peacock Spider uses its colourful abdomen to attract females during courtship
🔥The Red Panda - in close affinity with raccoons, weasels, and skunks. It is not closely related to the giant panda, though both possess "false thumbs" used for grasping bamboo.